In the water pumping world, there are many pumps like dewatering pumps, clear water pumps etc. All of them come with their unique advantages and disadvantages. In this blog, we are going to discuss submersible water pumps.
There are some great advantages of submersible motors that are very well known to this entire industry. Nevertheless, let’s revisit them quickly. As all such motors are placed deep into the earth, and in a comparatively stable environment, they are pretty immune to the weather as well as environmental factors. Such motors, as well as pumps, use the elimination of the driveshaft as well as bearing systems of line shaft turbines (LSTs). Therefore, it reduces the mechanical complexity and the required amount of maintenance. Another great thing is that submersible water pumps do not need structures to enclose them. These water pumps do not produce surface noise either.
However, submersible water pumps come with their own set of problems. So, if you’re amongst the many who are facing such problems in the lockdown, let’s make you understand them better and help you solve them. Have a look at the following submersible water pump problems:
1. The Temperature
One of the very common problems that affect the motors is over-temperature. Things that can cause over-temperature include overloading of the motor by the pump, pumping hot water, loss of cooling flow past the motor, frequent motor starts as well as stops and scale or ochre buildup. The solution to cool the motors themselves is by transferring the motor’s internally generated heat to that water which is flowing past the motor and then into the water pump. By making sure that your motor is cooling itself, you will also avoid the problem of stator failure.
2. Hydraulic Loading
Especially in municipal applications, another problem is hydraulic shock loading or water hammer. It occurs when a rapidly moving column of water suddenly changes velocity or faces an obstacle. It is caused by the use of multiple pumps on a common supply manifold, or when a pump turns on or off, or when any kind of valve is actuated. To reduce water hammer, all manufacturers recommend check valves in the pump discharge string and at the well head.
3. The tripping of the overload protector
This is another common problem of submersible water pumps. Check if your overload protectors are in direct sunlight. This can create enough heat to make them trip. Shading or ventilating the box can help you solve this problem. On the other hand, if you’re on a construction site and are using temporary power for your operation, then your water pump might be drawing incorrect voltage. This would lead to voltage spikes which can turn into a big problem. It is recommended to check the line terminals for determining if this is the source of the problem.